Alternative route to buy Papa Tokens (PAPA)

Head to and download their wallet, you can also consider other web3 wallets such as TrustWallet.

Head over to PancakeSwap

Go to PancakeSwap where you'll be undertaking the swap of your current BNB or other tokens to $PAPA.

Get to the trade screen‍

Click "Connect" at the top right of the screen to connect your MetaMask wallet or smartwallet, and then navigate to "Trade" on the left sidebar of PancakeSwap.

Select the $PAPA token‍

Click on the "Select a Token" button, and enter 0x18f1f69fe1d80c8ff9472bc5387ff7b40e34c860 it will ask you to Import token, click the box saying I understand and Import again.

Adjust your slippage to 12%‍

Click "Settings" at the top right, and adjust your slippage to 12%.

Swap for your Papa Tokens!

Enter the amount you want to buy and swap away! Remember to have enough BNB for gas fees!

Buy Papa Token on PancakeSwap.

Note: If you get an error on the swap, try using round numbers of BNB or PAPA or increase slippage further!

Last updated